Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Anything and Everything Issue

The deadline is coming soon and it feels like we just put out our last issue. I think it was the aftermath of the cr-art show and the holiday season. I have to say the art show went well. We raised about $100 for the local food bank and lots of people visited the show over the three days. It was fantastic seeing the support and being out in the country. I hope to get someone to post some pics here.

So what is the anything or everthing issue? I'm not sure.

I'm a girl who likes a theme. I may not always be exactly on theme but I like a theme to get the brainstorm going as it were... And to keep me from spinning out of control with ideas.

Our non-theme issue may be more international in flavour as one of the donuts is now living in Japan. We had our first international entry - from Texas - in the Pets Issue. (Still available if you haven't got your copy.) So maybe I'll create a few pages with a global theme.

Or maybe my page will be about food. I've been thinking a lot about food.

Or maybe my page will be about size. Small donut vs giant donut.

Or it could be about rocket ships, or ballerinas, or robots made out of cake batter, clouds shaped like human body parts, lava lamps, barbarella, stripes, cork, cd crafting, waffle cotton, rocks that look like poodles, fire, mysterious logs, chain mail, the joys of shelf lining, tea towel collecting, rain that is multi-colored, judy heads, bicycle helmuts, leopard skin, drum circles...

Sometimes a theme is a good thing.


At 5:09 PM, Blogger nicci said...

What is your deadline & topic for April?


At 7:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rocks that look like poodles. A totally under-represented topic, for sure.


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