I have been questioned as to how a person can contribute to the magazine. Well it is really very simple.. do not be too can create a Hot Donut Page. Really, it's all true. Well step A) Have an idea. B)Put your idea down on paper...i suggest 8.5 x11 or a standard sheet of paper. I also suggest using a 1/2 inch border (so that people can read/see your work if it is close to the seam of the Mag). Send your page to me! OK HOW DO YOU DO THAT????? well you can mail it..along with $10 to Ryan Titley 1628 Fitzgerald Ave Courtenay BC V9N 2S2..... OR....... you can e-mail your page to the NEW HOT DONUT COLLECTIVE E-MAIL.... WOO HOO> You will still have to get me the $10 so that I can pay for printing and sending you an issue...
Ahhhh, yes I will need a return address to send you your copy of the mag.
Well, that wasn't hard was it? Take note, the Mag is printed in gray scale... so I would avoid working in colour as it will show up in black and white anyway....
Cheers, happy munching...
Oh and of course enjoying a good cup of Coffee...mmmmm.