Pest.. er um.. Pets!
Philadelphia, the Contemporary Cat
I regulalry enjoy driving my thirteen year old diva cat nuts by taking photos of her when she is trying to sleep. I'm a lousy owner. One of the odd things my digital camera does when taking a second picture before the first has completely uploaded is create these weird photos which I kind of love. It has to be accidental though. If I try to do it on purpose than it never looks as cool.
But this is a reminder that if you haven't started working on your pages for the upcoming PETS Issue than get yer bum in gear! You only have 14 days!
Now will Philadelphia be in the pets issue? Probably, she has been creating various art pieces around my house lately: hairballs on my duvet, shredding my sketchbook into smithereens and creating giant murals of shed hair throughout my house. I think it's a sign she wants to publish and exhibit her work.
Does that mean that your pets page has to be about my cat? No. It doesn't even have to be about your cat. It could be a mythical pet, about a boyfriend who is more of a pet, about inanimate objects you have a pet like relatioship with or any of number of permutations...
As usual we are leaving the whole thing really, really, really open. Why? Because you constantly amaze us with what you think up! So get creating, drawing, writing.... Or my cat will come shed on you.